
Does Low Cost Auto Insurance Equal Low Liability limits

travel insuranceThe amount of insurance you will need will always be determined to late, once you have an accident. To try to understand how to protect yourself, you first need to know what your liability insurance will cover. It is always broken up in two parts bodily injury and property damage liability.

Bodily injury liability covers injuries do to a car accident

1. First Aid at the Accident

2. Medical expenses for bodily injury

3. Compensation for loss of income

4. Funeral expenses

5. Legal counsel costs
 Property damage liability makes the damage that is cause due to an automobile accident.
 1. Structural damage to homes, storefronts, etc.

 2. Restauration cost for other immobile objects
 3. Car restoration or replacement expenses
So, what coverage limit are right for you? Every state compiles there minimum guidelines individually. 15,000/30,000/15,000 is the minimal norm but that may vary from state to state so check your state guidelines. You might have noticed that there are three coverage figures and not two. This is because bodily injury liability usually comes in a split limit unless you request a single limit of coverage.
Split Limit coverage: Limits are split into two for bodily injury coverage and then there is a separate coverage for property damage. If you take the example from above $15,000/$30,000 coverage, the $15,000 represents the total amount of bodily injury coverage that will be paid out to any one person during an accident. The $30,000 represents the total amount of bodily injury coverage that will be paid out for the entire accident. If you had a single limit of coverage it would include a maximum to be paid out but no individual maximum and it could be divided however needed.
The last number in your liability coverage is always your property damage limit in the above cast is was also $15,000.
What is right amount of liability coverage? The most common amount of coverage is a split limit of $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury with a property damage coverage equal to $50,000. People that take out lower limit are really exposing themselves to financial disaster if they can't afford to pay the difference when an accident occurs. For example, say you have $15,000/$30,000 bodily injury coverage and $15,000 property damage coverage. You get into an accident that is your fault with two vehicles a five year Honda Accord and two year old Chrysler 300. There are three people in the Honda and one person in the Chrysler. All have minor injury but are brought to the hospital and the person driving the Chrysler stays overnight for observation. Their bills will run over your $30,000 maximum for Bodily injury and the person driving the Chrysler will have individual hospital cost of more than $15,000. What does that mean? Once your coverage is used up you will be responsible for the rest. With hospital cost as expensive as they are that could mean a very costly bill to you. This doesn't even take into account the amount of property damage that needs to be paid out. Since you hit two cars the damage for both comes out at $19,000. That is another $4,000 out of your pocket. The worst part of the whole thing was you thought you had full coverage and that it didn't matter what happened. Full coverage only means that you have liability coverage, comprehensive and collision coverage but your limits on liability are the most important. Make sure they are set properly.

100,000/300,000/50,000 is the most common amount of liability coverage within today. The cost to the consumer to go from state minimums to 100,000/300,000/50,000 of even more coverage isn't that much more expensive. It just makes sense to me to pay a little more now for more coverage. Rather then thousands more later. I was found at fault in an accident and caused, because I didn't have coverage to pay for all the expenses I caused to to the accident.

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